
in a FLASH...

...what can you do in a flash?
You can be can run can leave...well
now you can show off some of your work in your Blogger blog header... a F-L-A-S-H blog header!

After several months of working around with the CSS code from blogger, I've finally figured out how to get a flash banner to work...and let me tell you, it was so worth it.

For the time being, I will be offering blogger blog design with a flash header for $70*

So many people want a blog that stands out from all the plain blogger templates that are offered, but don't have the time or the patience to figure out how to customize things on blogger...if that sounds like you, then let me customize your blog for you. Backgrounds, flash photo blog header, menu bar, links, colors, etc.

If you only want your header designed, for use on a different type of blog, I can design a Flash header to your size specifications for only $40.

ou must have a place to upload the blog header .swf file to - such as your own website or other online storage space - and be able to link to it. If you need for me to host it on my own site, you will be charged $12/year for me to host it.