"Who's that?"..."Is that someone famous?"
If you had seen this gorgeous girl being followed around downtown Springfield by a bunch of photographers, you might have been like the other people that spotted us...trying to figure out why she had a paparazzi of photographers following her...Who was she? She was none other than Emily, our Senior model that Kim lined up for us for our final day of Smootfest 2007. She was awesome. Never complained once and did everything that was asked. Isn't she beautiful?
So, for those of you who don't know, this weekend I spent some time with several great photographers from all over the area. Even though I haven't been doing as much photography as of late, I learned tons of great stuff and cannot wait to incorporate it into future photography sessions. Thanks everyone for sharing your techniques, knowledge and talent with everyone, I cannot wait for Smootfest 2008! Thanks, Kim, for putting up with all of us and for everything you do!
Also, a special thanks to Jana for a wonderful dinner and for showing us all the great things that have come out and are coming out! Hope everyone had a safe trip home and gets rested up...see you next year!