Family Picture Time!
A special thanks to Kimberly Smoot who made an almost 2 hour drive to come and take our family pictures. If anyone is in the Springfield area, this girl ROCKS! Check out her website and blog! and then give her a call! 217.793.2167...what are you waiting for?
Dog Days of Summer Sale!
The dog days of summer are officially here, with temps in the 90s, heat indexes in the 110s and super high humidity...all we can do is try to stay cool and come up with things to do, here's something for ya! I'm having a
Dog Days of Summer Set Sale!
This sale has ended. Sorry! Check back soon for upcoming deals!
Just having fun!
It's Sunday...a day to relax, go to church, spend time with family and have fun before going back to work on Monday. So, that's what I did. Just thought I'd show a progression of this photo using some actions and borders that I've created. Please let me know what you think!
A "Snappy" new postcard...
Sarah Ra'anan asked me to create a postcard for her to hand out in celebration of the Jewish New Year...and just to keep me on my toes, she asked me to add a few lines in Hebrew. The colors were chosen because one of the themes of the Jewish New Year is apples & honey - which would also explain the pictures.
The lines in Hebrew read: "A quiet year, a beautiful year, a tranquil year. A year of peace, a year of dreams and love." The translation was so beautiful that I felt I had to share it...hmmmm...maybe I'll have make another card that says that in English as well.
The lines in Hebrew read: "A quiet year, a beautiful year, a tranquil year. A year of peace, a year of dreams and love." The translation was so beautiful that I felt I had to share it...hmmmm...maybe I'll have make another card that says that in English as well.
One more template...
This one will replace the 4x8 that was in the embellished holiday set.
This is a 5x5 press-printed bi-fold card. It can also be easily printed as a 5x5 2-sided flat card.
This is a 5x5 press-printed bi-fold card. It can also be easily printed as a 5x5 2-sided flat card.
Fun & Whimsical Logo
Angie was looking for a scrapbook style logo, something flourishy and textured, for a new forum that she was starting.
I was framed!
Oh, guess my daughter was the borders below! I already have a grunge set of borders, but have been working on a grunge-flourish set as well. Well after much trial and error, here's my first few flourish borders...
Keep watching, I'll have more soon!
More templates and a slight change...
I just finished this card...
...which I will be adding to my Holiday 2007 collection. Several people have asked specifically for 4x8 cards, so I will be pulling all the 4x8 cards from the other sets and adding a couple more to it to create a new 4x8 holiday set. Keep your eyes out for it very soon!
...which I will be adding to my Holiday 2007 collection. Several people have asked specifically for 4x8 cards, so I will be pulling all the 4x8 cards from the other sets and adding a couple more to it to create a new 4x8 holiday set. Keep your eyes out for it very soon!
This card is the new Milano Grunge 07 that will replace the 4x8 in the grunge collection. It's a 5x7 press printed card, shown here with the special back for it and a sample text for the inside.Action Group Buy
Sorry...This group buy has ended!
You can view the actions on my website by clicking here!
The group buy ends Friday, August 10th, so sign up today!!!
The group buy ends Friday, August 10th, so sign up today!!!
Thanks to Tiffany J. from 2peas for organizing this group buy - she will get 50% off
of her purchase if the minimum participants for one of the buys are met.
of her purchase if the minimum participants for one of the buys are met.
Do you belong to a different forum that you'd like to set up a group buy for?
Let me know and we get it worked out!
Actions are compatible with PS7+
Let me know and we get it worked out!
Actions are compatible with PS7+
Fingerprints of God...
Lindsay Vinson of Bell City, Missouri just had me design this logo for her business...
Lindsay style is fun with a sophisticated edge to it, so we needed a logo to match. This logo incorporates a fun handwritten text with a clean cut font to give it just that touch of sophistication. The logo style also allows for easy customization of the colors for use on any type of print piece she would need.
If you're in the Bell City area and looking for a photographer,
call 573-733-4477 or e-mail
Thanks Lindsay for letting me put my "fingerprint" on your logo design. You've been great to work with and I hope we can work together again in the future. Good luck with everything!
call 573-733-4477 or e-mail
Thanks Lindsay for letting me put my "fingerprint" on your logo design. You've been great to work with and I hope we can work together again in the future. Good luck with everything!
And the winners are...
- Daphne J
- tania (tai on 2 peas)
- susan robichibaud
- margie @ smiles forever photo and
- catherine dillberg
Do you see your name in that list? If so, send me an e-mail to t.l.robertson(at) and let me know what template you'd like for free of if you want me to apply the amount to a set!
Not that you'll probably wait this long, but you have until Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 9pm Central time to send me your request.
Thanks to everyone who posted! Be sure to check back again for future contests and discounts or sign up with feedblitz to receive my blog updates by e-mail!
Did someone say free?
So, here's the deal, I'm seeing everyone else doing it (no, not jumping off of a bridge) and I have to try it myself . . . I'm having a contest!
When does it start? If you're reading this post, it has already started!
When does it end? 9:00pm CDT on Sunday, August 5, 2007
How do I enter? Post a comment about my 2007 Holiday card's that easy!
How does it work? Shortly after 9pm on 8-5-07 I will be picking the names of 5 winning entries and posting them here on the blog.
What will I win? One Holiday 2007 template of your choice...(or you can choose to put the cost of the template towards the purchase of a complete group or the entire set.)
Ok, so the contest has started...tell your friends...get to posting!!!
When does it start? If you're reading this post, it has already started!
When does it end? 9:00pm CDT on Sunday, August 5, 2007
How do I enter? Post a comment about my 2007 Holiday card's that easy!
How does it work? Shortly after 9pm on 8-5-07 I will be picking the names of 5 winning entries and posting them here on the blog.
What will I win? One Holiday 2007 template of your choice...(or you can choose to put the cost of the template towards the purchase of a complete group or the entire set.)
Ok, so the contest has started...tell your friends...get to posting!!!
If you're the "organizer" of a group buy, you get an added bonus...
The organizer of the group buys will receive a 50% discount on their purchase for any of the parts of the group buy that meet the minimum buyer quota!
Also, if people sign up and fill the minimum requirement for all sections of the group buy, you'll receive the entire group buy offered sets for FREE!
...just as a thank you from me.